[Galician Language Tecnologies and Applications]

Language Resources on GitHub

Name Description
SLI_Galnet SLI Galnet, the Galician wordnet in RDF and LMF format
SLI_Galician_DBpedia DBpedia data and DBpedia Spotlight for Galician language
SLI_Galician_Corpora Corpora for Galician language
SLI_CLUVI_EN_GL_TMX English-Galician sentence-level translation pairs (291,633 translated sentences) from the CLUVI Corpus
SLI_CLUVI_ES_GL_TMX Spanish-Galician sentence-level translation pairs (318,863 translated sentences) from the CLUVI Corpus
SLI_CLUVI_LEGA_TMX LEGA Parallel Corpus of Galician-Spanish legal texts (6,582,415 words)
SLI_NERC_Galician_Gold_CoNLL SLI NERC Galician Gold Corpus encoded in CoNLL format for machine learning
SLI_NERC_Galician_Gold_FreeLing SLI NERC Galician Gold Corpus encoded in FreeLing format for machine learning
SLI_CTG_POS CTG Galician Technical Corpus tagged with POS for machine learning
SLI_CTG_Lemma CTG Galician Technical Corpus lemmatised for machine learning
SLI_CTG_POS_Lemma CTG Galician Technical Corpus with POS and lemmas for machine learning
SLI_GalWeb SLI GalWeb Corpus for Galician (174.630.824 words) compiled from the web for machine learning
SLI_Galician_Synonyms_Dictionary Galician Synonyms Dictionary (30,000 entries, 45,000 senses, 200,000 words)
SLI_GlossCorpus SLI mappings for the Princeton Annotated Gloss Corpus dataset
SLI_SemCor SLI mappings for SemCor dataset
SLI_OMSTI SLI mappings for OMSTI (One Million Sense-Tagged Instances) dataset
SLI_Termoteca Termoteca - multilingual terminological database (14,254 entries from the CTG and CLUVI corpora)
SLI_Senseval_SemEval SLI mappings for Senseval and SemEval datasets
digalnet Galnet Dictionary for Android | F-Droid - Multilingual translations and synonyms for 10 languages (750.000 words)
singal Galician Synonyms Dictionary for Android | F-Droid - 30,000 entries, 45,000 senses, 200,000 words